A. Definitions
Circulatory disturbances diotak (GPDO) or known as the CVA (Cerebro Vaskuar Accident) is the function of nerve interference caused by the interruption of blood flow in the brain that can occur in a sudden (in seconds) or rapidly (within several hours) with symptoms or signs in accordance with the subject area. (Harsono, 1996, p. 67)
Stroke is cerebrovaskuler injury or loss of brain function caused by berhentinya supply blood to the brain is often serebrovaskuler during the culmination of several years. (Suzanne C. Smeltzer, 2002, p. 2131)
This disease is the third ranking cause of death in the United State. Due to stroke in each age level, but most often at the age between 75 - 85 years. (C Long., Barbara, 1996, p. 176).
B. Etiology
The cause-the cause of:
1.Trombosis (clot in the fluid in the brain blood vessel)
Cerebral 2.Embolisme (blood clot or other materials)
3.Iskemia (decrease blood flow to areas of the brain)
(Suzanne C. Smeltzer, 2002, p. 2131)
C. The risk of stroke
2.kardiovaskuler desease : arteria koronaria, heart failure kongestif, atrium fibrillation, heart disease kongestif)
3.Kolesterol high
5.increasing hematokrit (risk infark serebral)
6.Diabetes Melitus (relating to aterogenesis terakselerasi)
7.oral contrasepsions (especially with hypertension, merkok, and high estrogen content)
8.drugs (cocaine)
(Suzanne C. Smeltzer, 2002, p. 2131)
D. Clinical manifestation
Symptoms - symptoms appear CVA due to a particular region is not functioning because of the erorr of blood flow to the place. Symptoms that appear vary depending of the erorr.symtoms part of the brain-the symptoms are, among others:
a while
Sebebtar arise only for a few minutes to several hours and lost its own with or without treatment. This is called a transient ischemic attack (TIA). Attacks can appear again in the same form, make, or even live.
b. a whilel, but more than 24 hours
Symptoms occur more than 24 hours and this dissebut reversible ischemic neurologic deficit (RIND)
c. the longer the weight of the symptoms (progressive)
This desebabkan interruption of blood flow the longer the weight dissebut progressing stroke or stroke inevolution
d. permanent
(Harsono, 1996, p. 67)