Brain tumor is intra-cranial lesions that occupy space in the skull
Classification of Brain Tumors:
1.Tumor from lapisam brain (meningioma dural)
2.Tumor growing in / on the cranial nerves
3.Tumor originating in the brain tissue
4.Lesi metastatic from any body part
Brain tumor causing neurological disorders. The symptoms occur sequentially. This emphasizes the importance of anamnesis in the examination of the client. Symptoms should be discussed within a perspective of time.
Neurologic symptoms of brain tumors are usually considered to be caused by 2 factors focal disruption, caused by the tumor and intracranial pressure. Focal disruption occurs when the emphasis on the brain tissue and infiltration / invasion directly on the brain parenchymal tissue damage neurons. Of course the greatest dysfunction occurs in tumors that grow most rapidly.
Changes in blood supply due to pressure generated tumors that grow brain tissue necrosis. Arterial blood supply disruptions generally manifests as an acute loss of function and may be confused with primary cerebrovaskuler disorders. Seizures as a manifestation of neuro sensitivity changes associated with invasion and compression of the blood supply to changes in brain tissue. Some tumors also form cysts around the brain parenchymal pressure so that aggravate focal neurological disorders.
Increased intra-cranial pressure can be caused by several factors: the increase of mass in the skull, the formation of edema around the tumor and cerebrospinal circulation changes. Growth of the tumor mass will increase, because the tumor will take space from the relatively rigid skull. Malignant tumor jaruingan cause edema in the brain. Seluruhnyanya not yet understood mechanism, but due to the difference in osmotic allegedly causing bleeding. Venous obstruction and edema caused by damage to blood brain barrier, it caused an increase in intracranial volume. Observation of cerebrospinal fluid circulation from the ventricles laseral into hidrocepalus sub arakhnoid cause.
Increased intracranial pressure would endanger life, when there is rapid due to one of the causes that have been discussed previously. Compensation mechanisms need time to become effective berhari-hari/berbulan-bulan and oelh because ity was not useful when rapid intracranial pressure arise. These compensatory mechanisms include working lower intra-cranial blood volume, cerebrospinal fluid volume, intracellular fluid content and reduce parenchymal cells. The increase in pressure resulted in untreated ulcer or serebulum herniation. Herniation occurs when the medial lobe girus shifted to the inferior temporals through tentorial notch by the masses in the brain hemispheres. Herniation pressing ensefalon menyebabkab to loss of consciousness and menenkan third nerve. In serebulum herniation, tonsils before the shift down through the foramen magnum by a posterior mass. Compression of the medulla oblongata and stopped breathing happen quickly. Intracranial bradicardi fast is a progressive, systemic hypertension (widening pulse pressure and respiratory problems).
Signs and Symptoms
According to tumor location:
1.Lobus frontalis
Mental disorder / mild personality disorders: depression, confusion, strange behavior, it is difficult to give argumenatasi / assess true or not, hemiparesis, ataxia, and disturbances to speak.
Posterior 2.Kortek presentalis
Weakness / paralysis of facial muscles, tongue and fingers
3.Lobus parasentralis
Weakness in the lower limb
4.Lobus Oksipitalis
Seizures, vision disturbances
5.Lobus temporalis
Tinnitus, auditory hallucinations, sensory Aphasia, facial muscle paralysis
6.Lobus parietal
Missing sensory function, kortikalis, localization sensory disturbances, visual impairment
Papil edema, headache, motor disturbances, hipotonia, hiperekstremitas esndi
Common signs and symptoms:
1.Nyeri heavy head in the morning, play increased when coughing, bending
3.Tanda-mark intra-cranial pressure: blurred vision, nausea, vomiting, decreased auditory function, changes in vital signs, Aphasia.
4.Changes of personality
5.Perasaa natural
Classical triad;
Papil edema
Diagnostic Examination;
1.Rontgent anterior-posterior skull
3.CT Scan