Autonomik dysfunction of blood vessel growth resulted head skin headache known as migraine. Actual mechanism of migraine is not all clear. But many factors - factors that prodram early menungkapkan of migraine must be related to the Vaso constriction of intra-cranial artery.
Symptoms are typical at this early stage is the emergence of skotoma and pale face.
Prodrom was followed by the emergence of sesisi headache and facial flushing. Soon after arising vomiting - vomiting, edema of nasal mucous membranes, fingers - fingers and toes.
Symptoms are regarded as a manifestation of stage vasodolatasi extra cranial arteries.
What causes dysfunction of blood vessels is still unknown, but probably once a congenital disorder, due to familial and hereditary factors certainly have the migraine. (Prof. Dr. Mahar Mardjono, Clinical Neurology)
Among the many types of headache, migraine is a type of the most researched and discussed, in addition to the causes which are still mysteries, then the incident is enough to encourage the experts to examine it.
Aretaeusi (80 AD) is one of the researchers in his day headache and it was he who first described the symptoms of headache have distinctive profile. He introduced this type with the name "HETEROCRANIA" which means headache.
By Galen 50 years later changed to "HEMICRANIA" and then the experts from the French to change again into their language as "MEGRIM" for details said - he said the "migraine" (Dr. Sidiarto. K)
A. anxiety / worry
Anxiety or anxiety is a vague feeling of fear - a vague source, are often not specific or not known by that individual.
Anxiety is the feeling / emotional response to the assessment, feeling uncertain and powerless (Stuart and Sundeen, 1988). Experienced emotional state objectively and communicated in interpersonal relationships. Anxiety is an emotional response to the assessment of daily life - today. Describes the state of anxiety worry, anxiety, fear, not peaceful with various physical kekuhan.
Predisposing factors
1. Analytic psycho theory
According to Freud, personality structure consists of 3 elements is "ID, EGO, & SUPER EGO". Symbolizes the ego instincts and impulses urge primiti, Super Ego represents the conscience of a person and controlled by the norm - a cultural norm. While diagambarkan ego as a mediator between the demands of the ID & Super Ego.
Anxiety occurs from the fear of interpersonal rejection. It is also associated with trauma to the growth, such as loss, separation of individuals who have low self-esteem is usually very easy to experience severe anxiety.
3.BEHAVIOR theory
Frusatasi anxiety is the result of everything that interfere with a person's ability to achieve the desired objectives.
This theory believes that humans are exposed early in life in an excessive fear will indicate the possibility of severe anxiety in the lives of his adult life.
Anxiety Light
Connect with mild anxiety tension events of everyday life. At this level of perception of land to widen and individuals will be aware - and wary hearts.
Physiological Response
Occasional shortness of breath
Tone and blood pressure rise
Mild symptoms of the stomach
Wrinkled face and trembling lips
Cognitive Response
Able to accept the complex stimuli
Concentrate on problem
Solve problems effectively
Response Behavior and Emotions
Unable to sit still
Fine tremor of the hands
Sometimes sound - sometimes rising
Anxiety was
At this level of land decreased perception of the environment, the individual is more important to focus on the moment and the exclusion of other things.
Physiological response
Often short of breath
Pulse and blood pressure rise
Dry mouth
Diarrhea / constipation
Cognitive response
Perceptual field narrows
External stimuli can not be accepted
Focus on what is a concern
Behavioral and emotional responses
Movement jerk - jerk / squeezed
Talk more and more quickly
Difficulty sleeping
Serious anxiety
In severe anxiety land becomes very narrow perception and then incapable of thinking.